
Greed, greed, greed or Raffsucht is the exaggerated quest for material possessions, regardless of its benefits, and closely related to the avarice, the exaggerated economy and the unwillingness to share.

The greed is morally condemned in many cultures and also pulls in legends, fairy tales and religions penalties.

This is the story in Greek mythology of the Phrygian King Midas, he had, to disengage from its obligation to pay tribute and even amass wealth, Dionysus asked everything he touch, may turn to gold. Dionysus granted his wish, but Midas was now condemned to starvation, as well as his food turned into gold. Finally, he managed to free himself by a bath in the river Pactolus of this gift.

In Catholicism, include the Avaritia, avarice, covetousness, as the second of the seven principal vices or sins, which are regarded as the roots of deadly sins. In Luke's gospel, chapter 12, verse 15 says, " And he said to them. Heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does he possesseth " In Ephesians, chapter 5, verse 5 is even, "You can be sure that no obscene, impure, or greedy person will ever joint heirs the kingdom of Christ and God. "


The greed plays a special role in German criminal law as an element of murder ( § 211 StGB) and is one of the characteristics that qualifies a killing as murder. Greed is defined by the law as " reckless pursuit of profit at any cost ". It belongs to the mental element ( murder feature of the first group). Thus, the existence of greed can be answered in the affirmative, they need not be the only motive of the killing, but tatbeherrschend and / or " awareness dominant". It is sufficient for - especially in the case law prevailing - consider if the offender by killing only want to spare expenses (eg maintenance payments or the repayment of a loan). Thus, the offender must by deed his property as objectively want to increase immediately and in his view, the elimination of " liabilities" is sufficient (when trying must be based on the probability of the lack of success ).


A greedy man is also called Raffke.

Greed in children

Among the authors who have contributed to the topic " insatiability for things " of pedagogical side, is one of the American family therapist Wendy Mogel, who has dedicated the theme of a chapter in her 2001 book The Blessings of a Skinned Knee. Lack of gratitude and insatiable desire for new parental benefits such as toys is one of the main peculiarities of the children who come into their practice. While parents are the child's desire unnecessary things often interpreted as a behavioral disorder, argues Mogel that this is a natural condition that can not be cured, need to be cured. The child must learn, however, to get his desires through self-control under control and not to be guided his conduct of it.

In Judaism, the principle of "deed before creed" applies ( German: " action going on faith "); Mogel, who developed her concept of education from the Jewish tradition emphasizes that good conduct is more important than "real feel ". Because the behavioral postulate that the feelings follow the code, it makes sense that parents suppress the self- Mourning and the begging of the child; the child would then not only refrain from the undesirable behavior, but sooner or later feel actually less greed and more gratitude. A child can also learn to accept a "no" to the parents in a civilized way. Mogel is recommended to respect the passion of the child and appreciate (because they strong drives in their child even approve ), without giving his begging for new things. The "No" of the parents need the child neither understand nor accept. Since it does not yet have the maturity to distinguish between Erwünschtem and the necessary, Mogel advises parents from having to appeal to the intelligence of the child. Nor is stopping to talk a wish to a child or to make maggoty.

As a stumbling block in education to self-control and gratitude Mogel names the language skills of many children who are defending their wishes with the argumentative skills of a star lawyer what many parents would rattle, perhaps because they secretly fear of not doing enough for their child. Others admire the eloquence of her child and be willing to engage in Debattierwettkämpfe, which also sends the wrong signal to the child.


  • Nothing satisfies those for whom what is enough is too little. - Epicurus
  • It's good if you're greedy. I would even argue that it is healthy to be greedy. You can be greedy and thereby feel good. - Ivan F. Boesky
  • Looking for nothing except Him. It is sufficient for you! You may be greedy all you want, God is enough! - Aurelius Augustinus
  • Make money, make more money doing that people make more money! - L. Ron Hubbard
  • The world has enough for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed. - Mahatma Gandhi
  • Each request if it meets, gets instantly boy. - Wilhelm Busch
  • Greed in old age is a folly. If you increase because his food for the journey, when one approaches the goal? - Cicero