Green New Deal

The term Green New Deal called concepts for an environmental change of capitalism. In particular, labor and economic policies are combined with an ecological transformation of industrial society. That has occurred since 2007 economic and financial crisis, these concepts have gained in importance.


Green New Deal takes on the coined by the government of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal notion with which these responded to the Great Depression of the 1930s. Originally means of coming out of the card game term " new deal " that the cards are distributed, ie that a new beginning is taking place. In " Green New Deal" will grow further as the project of an ecological turn of the industrial society.

The term was used in two essays of the distinguished journalist Thomas L. Friedman that appeared in the New York Times in 2007. Subsequently, the concept of the Green New Deal Group has been taken, whose report was published on 21 July 2008.

To widespread use of the term and concept Environment Programme (UNEP ) added. On 22 October 2008, the Director of UNEP Achim Steiner announced the Global Green New Deal initiative. The idea here is to increasingly create jobs in " green " industries, thereby stimulating the economy and at the same time to slow down climate change.

In Germany

In Germany especially Alliance 90/The Greens have received term and concept. Besides ecologists but also support a number of economic sciences learning and politicians of other parties this approach because they see it as a strengthening of the location Germany. In the related from the Worldwatch Institute and the Alliance 90/The Greens Heinrich -Böll- Foundation published policy paper Towards a Green New Deal have Hilary French, Michael Renner and Gary Gardner tries, national and international approaches for such a radical restructuring of the economy and refine society.

Fundamental criticism of the existing concepts of the Green New Deal is, inter alia, of the members of the Bundestag Yvonne Ploetz ( Die Linke ) have been formulated, which it represents him " with the still dominant liberal economic policy models fit well " and thus socially and economically questionable and points out that the recent elaborations carry predominantly technocratic trains and too little on the Company are received.
