Greenville (Alabama)

Butler County


Greenville (also known as Butt Ville) is a city in Butler County, Alabama and its administrative headquarters. In the census in the United States in 2000, the town had 7228 inhabitants.


The first settlers arrived in 1819 to Greenville. Originally it was called Butt Ville, but immigrants from Greenville ( South Carolina) called it Greenville, as they were reminded by the oak trees at their home.

After the city in 1822 the county seat was, it was renamed in Greenville, to commemorate the many settlers from South Carolina.

During the Second World War there was a prison camp for German soldiers in the city.


At the Census 2000 7228 Population, 2919 households and 1929 families were counted. The population density was 131.9 inhabitants per km ². 50.69 % of all residents of Greenville are white, 48.31 % are African- American. Under 18 years old were 26.8 %, 65 or older 18.3%. The average age in Greenville was 38 years ago, there were 44.7 % men and 55.3 % women. The average income was 22.106 U.S. dollars. Under the poverty line lived 30.4 % of the population.


There are four public schools in Greenville, organized by the Butler County Board of Education:

  • Greenville High School
  • Greenville Middle School
  • Greenville Elementary School
  • W.Ø. Palmer Elementary

In addition, there is the Fort Dale Academy and the Camellia City Christian School ( Christian school ) who are privately organized.

Radio stations and newspapers

  • WGYV 1380 AM
  • WKXN, 95.9 FM
  • WQZX, 94.3 FM

The newspaper of the town called Greenville Advocate and appears once a week since 1865.


The city won the game show My Kind Of Town by ABC on 14 August 2005. In 2006, the film Honeydripper was filmed in and around the city. However, many residents, including the church choir, some of the roles played in the film.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Thomas Hill Watts, Governor of Alabama from 1863-1865
  • Hank Williams, singer and songwriter

Pictures of Greenville (Alabama)
