
Under a ground cover is defined as a low plant ( perennial, rose, shrubs ), which - as the name suggests - covers the ground, which means that with this plant an open area accrues quickly and then maintain extensively (because weeds then not be able to settle ) is well regarded for years.

Ground cover are particularly well suited for unfavorable garden areas - such as slopes, the shaded area under trees or the edge area of the lawn. The best known are probably millions of times - especially in the public green - planted Zwergmispeln ( Cotoneaster ). Ground cover roses form a separate class rose, although the name is sometimes ground cover here is somewhat misleading because it does not reliably cover the entire floor. Good ground cover, inter alia: Stachelnüsschen ( Acaena ), Waldsteinie (Gold Strawberry) ( Waldsteinia ), saxifrage ( Saxifraga ), Epimedium ( Epimedium ), Low St. John's wort (Hypericum calycinum ), cranesbill species (Geranium ), periwinkle ( Vinca minor ) foam flower ( Tiarella ), thyme, Dick males ( Pachysandra ), Spring Heath (Erica carnea), boxwood (Buxus sempervirens). Hedera helix, the Common Ivy, also very suitable as a groundcover. Any sufficiently winter-hardy varieties would be suitable. The maintenance cost is low.
