Groupement de recherche et d'études pour la civilisation européenne

The Groupement de recherche et d' études pour la civilization européenne, abbreviation GRECE is a theory circles of the French extreme right, which founded the Nouvelle Droite and significantly influenced the formation of the ideology of Western European New Right.

In France, the Nouvelle Droite is largely dominated by GRECE, so that French journalism, the terms GRECE and Nouvelle Droite (French to German: New Right; extremism in the research flow of the intellectual right-wing ) are also used interchangeably. As the founder and leading theoretician applies the French writer Alain de Benoist.


GRECE was founded in January 1968 in Nice by 40 activists from the extreme right ( extrême droite ) Journals " Cahiers Universitaires " and " Europe Action ". While " Cahiers universitaires " was the publication organ of the neo-fascist student organization " Fédération des étudiants nationalistes " ( FEN ), acted "Europe action" as their theory organ.

The founders included not only de Benoist, among others, Dominique Venner, Pierre Vial, Gilles Fournier, Roger Lemoine, Jean -Jacques Mourreau, Jean -Claude Rivière, Jacques Bruyas, Jean -Claude Valla, Jean Mabire, Michel Marmin and Dominique Gajas.

GRECE or the Nouvelle Droite understood from her established in response to the social impulses of Paris in May 1968. This flow gathered intellectuals from almost all combinations of the traditional extreme right, who had split from the ideological or strategic reasons of these. They kept the old structures for crusted and made their continued fixation on the Algerian dilemma of de Gaulle for the lack of political success responsible. Reasons for the failure of the traditional right-wing Benoist called the lack of a long-term political strategy, the lack of concrete policy objectives, the lack of a clearly formulated and scientifically proven theory, ignoring the cultural environment as a political battle field and finally the fixation on past concepts which are outdated and would not radiate attractiveness. This should now be changed by a new contemporary programmatic.

Objectives and contents

The aim of the Nouvelle Droite, or the protagonists of GRECE, was a complete renewal process. In her words, they wanted to develop a new " history of ideas, meta-political, comprehensive framework " for a modern programmatic right. However, the developed positions showed no fundamental differences with the previous right-wing extremism. Essentially, there were ideological and strategic differences while maintaining the extreme basic positions. Enemy by the new rights as well as the old rights are the " egalitarian ideologies," including this liberalism, Marxism and Christianity are.

The theoretical models can be divided into three groups. First, the representative of the German Conservative Revolution as Ernst Jünger, Edgar Julius Jung, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Carl Schmitt and Oswald Spengler. Second, the intellectual trailer or a pioneer of Italian fascism as Julius Evola, Robert Michels, Vilfredo Pareto and Georges Sorel and thirdly " Erbforscher " as Hans Jürgen Eysenck, Irenaeus Eibl- Eibesfeldt, Arthur Jensen and Konrad Lorenz. From their works, the protagonists of GRECE drawn selectively and arbitrarily, and to problematize without associated contradictions, the worldview of the Nouvelle Droite.

From Antonio Gramsci, they took the idea of a culture war in which it is a matter of winning before the political cultural hegemony, ie to occupy the pre-political space. The Nouvelle Droite stands in opposition to egalitarianism and the ideas of 1789. "Against Liberty, Equality, Fraternity sets the Nouvelle Droite binding to the ( national ) community, the natural inequality of men and races as well as the idea itself forming heroic elites. " Against the ostensible political, military and cultural hegemony of the United States, which is considered as the end point of the liberal-capitalist individualism, sets the Nouvelle Droite to the identity of European peoples against capitalist " mercantilism " the primacy of politics in the sense of Carl Schmitt.

Again and again, GRECE is described as a Neopagan organization in French literature. The support of neo-pagan ideas and the reference to Celtic and Germanic mythology, are compared with Christianity and monotheism, one of the ideological peculiarities of the GRECE. So the French political scientist Stéphane François marked the neo-paganism as an important part of GRECE Doctrine.


The title of a colloquium organized by the GRECE "For a Gramscianism from the right" speaks for its music programs of this organization, the " right of the Cultural Revolution " beyond France attracted attention with the slogan. In addition to Gramsci, Marx is rezipiert in positive form since 2005. As a starting point in here is Heidegger's " strategically clever nod to Marx ," " Letter on ' Humanism ' ".

One of the main focuses of GRECE was the publication of the journals " Nouvelle Ecole " and " Eléments ". " Nouvelle Ecole " was founded in 1968 by Benoist, " Eléments " 1973. During the " Nouvelle Ecole " has a more scientific and encyclopedic, which is to cover as many areas, dominated in the more literary "elements" of the political polemics. Both publications strive for a renaissance right-wing thought and are mainly in the service of the so-called " meta-politics ", ie the " intellectual (s), philosophical (s) and theoretical (s) Reflexion" ( Benoist ) in contrast to the direct political activity. Benoist represents an ideological neo-paganism, which postulates a polytheistic, Indo-European Ur - religion.

GRECE published under the direction of Michel Thibault also the magazine cartouches - L' actualité des idées. The editorial include: Charles Berriasian, Rodolphe Badinand, Léonard Chambolle, Eric Cotentin, Olivier Diaboc, Georges Feltin - Tracol, Arnaud Guyot - Jeannin, François Labeaume, Christophe Levalois, Pierre le Vigan, Alexandre Nicolas, Eric Robert, christian Ville, Dominique Taccella and Janis Trisk and the correspondents: Gerwig Helman ( Germany ), Jürgen Hatzenbichler ( Austria ), Manuel Rodrigues Péon (Spain ), Guglielmo Alessio (Italy) and G. Bogdan Radulescu (Romania).

