
Guaicaipuro (* around 1530 in the Los Teques / Venezuela, † 1568) was a cacique ( chieftain ) of some Caribbean tribes of the 16th century. He was entitled Guapotori ( leader of leaders ). Originally Guaicaipuro had been leader of the teques tribe.

Guaicaipuro formed an alliance of some tribes to fight against the invaders from Spain. For this alliance included the Naiguatá, Guaicamacuto, Chacao and Baruta. At the beginning of the resistance was successful and several times could the Spaniards driven back.

Only under the leadership of Diego de Losada were able to occupy the city of Caracas, the Spaniards. Guaicaipuro was then killed in front of his house in the fight with the Spaniards.

The mortal remains of Guaicaipuro were resolved on 8 December 2001 in the Panteon Nacional de Venezuela in Caracas, where the remains of other Venezuelan liberation heroes are, among others, Simón Bolívar.

  • Indian
  • Military person (Venezuela )
  • Venezuelan
  • Born in the 16th century
  • Died in 1568
  • Man
  • Military history of Latin America
  • Venezuelan Military History