Guayabal (Azua)

18.749444444444 - 70.8375Koordinaten: 18 ° 45 'N, 70 ° 50 ' W

Guayabal is a small town of about 3,000 inhabitants (2009) in the province of Azua in the Dominican Republic. This is called a süddominikanisches ( SURENO ) with Spanish in the direction of "u" trending "o", so Riu or Tiu ( uncle) rather than Rio or Tio.


Guayabal is located 725 meters above the sea, at the mouth of Arroyo Guayabal in the Rio Cueva. This Arroyo Guayabal The road continues to Constanza, which is three to four mule hours away. With all-terrain vehicles and corresponding drivers familiar Constanza is reached in less than two hours. Guayabal is approximately 20 km or 50 minutes ( gravel road ) to the public minibus ( " Guagua " ) northeast of Padre las Casas, in turn, is accessible by Guagua capital of the province of Azua de Compostela forth in two hours on a paved road.


Guayabal manages some villages along the Rio Cueva, some of which are far away and which can be accessed only with all-terrain vehicles and with difficulty. For example Periquito (20 minutes walk West), Arroyo Corozo (15 min east), La Guama (30 mins south -east) and El Recodo ( two hours south -east). Guayabal is strongly of Padre las Casas dependent, so there is not a bank and a lot of goods and services must be herbeigekarrt.

The residents form large families. Because of the rampant poverty, there is a strong migration, impressively demonstrated by the return of its lost at Christmas or in the " Semana Santa " (Easter).


The economy is strongly influenced by the cultivation of kidney beans ( " Habichuelas " ), Guandule ( pigeon pea ), yuca ( Casava or Casabe or cassava ) and auyama ( gelbfleischiger pumpkin with up to about 40 cm in diameter). The growing areas, so-called " Loma " or " Cerca " rise up to the summit of the highest mountains, ie to over 1000 meters altitude. The return on a " tarea " ( approximately 625 m² ) reaches up to 4,000 pesos, or about 100 U.S. dollars. The meat industry remains rather modest, the dairy industry has been displaced. Transports are carried out with horses, mules and donkeys.


Tourism hardly takes place. Although there are two small hotels, one with comparatively high standard (bathroom, TV, fan ), but these are probably mainly the business and administrative traffic. Restaurants there are none, but guests are asked to fast tables. Individual tourists stay in Guayabal or Padre las Casas on the road to Constanza.
