Gulf of Martaban

15.70343296.829834Koordinaten: 15 ° 42 'N, 96 ° 50'

The Gulf of Martaban is an arm of the sea in the Andaman Sea and is located in the southern part of Myanmar. The Gulf is named after the port city of Mottama, formerly Martaban said.

The Salween rivers, Sittaung Yangon and empty into the Gulf of Martaban.

In the Gulf, there is a strong tide. The lift moves 4-7 meters and the highest stroke takes place in the west of the Gulf at Elephant Point. During the spring time of the stroke is about 6.6 meters, which extends over an area of ​​45.000 km ² and is considered the strongest tides on Earth. The lowest stroke averages 2.98 m in an area of ​​about 15.000 km ². The entire hub detects a coastline of about 150 km.
