Gull-Þóris saga

The Gull - Thoris saga, or even Þorskfirðinga saga (" Saga of gold Thorir ") is an Icelandic saga from the 14th century.


The saga is preserved in the manuscript AM 561.4 °. She is an editor of a lost version of the 13th century, the oldest tradition of the Landnámabók that Sturlubók of Sturla Þórðarson mentioned the Gull - Thoris saga and the saga Hálfdanar Eysteinssonar. The saga is only handed patchy, Chapters 11, 12 are missing in all the manuscripts.

From the shape, the style and the substance ago, has the saga for any obvious connections to the mythic tales and sagas the fictional ancient sagas, are not therefore the clear prose of the Icelandic saga again.

The first edition of this saga made ​​the German legal historian Konrad Maurer during a stay in Copenhagen in 1857 ( published in 1858, see literature).

