Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon Tammann

Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon Tammann (. . * 16 Maijul / May 28 1861greg in Jamburg ( since 1922 Kingissepp, southwest of St. Petersburg, Russia, near the border with Estonia), † December 17, 1938 in Göttingen ) was a German - Baltic chemist.


Tammann was the son of a doctor. He studied chemistry at Dorpat ( now Tartu, Estonia) and in 1889 lecturer. In 1890 he received his doctorate with a thesis on the metamerism of the meta. Tammann 1892 and 1894 associate professor in Dorpat.

Tammann 1903 was appointed to the University of Göttingen as director of the newly founded Institute of Inorganic Chemistry. 1907/1908 he was director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry, succeeding Walther Nernst and Friedrich Dolezalek (until 1929 ).

75th birthday on May 28, 1936 Tammann was with the eagle shield of the German Reich honored (Dedication: The doyen of German metallurgy).

Among his students heard the Japanese metallurgist Kotaro Honda.

His grandson is the astronomer Gustav Andreas Tammann.


His interest was especially true of physics and physical chemistry of metals, and he is considered the founder of modern metallurgy. He wrote important works on intermediate compounds, in particular, the intermetallic compounds as well as crystallization and melting processes. According to him the " Tammann rules " and " Tammann temperatures " on self- diffusion processes in crystals and are named " Tammannsche equation ". He developed the " Tammann furnace " with resistance heating to generate temperatures up to 3000 degrees Celsius. He is considered the founder of modern metallography and thermal analysis. His publications include a " Textbook of Metallography " (1914, 4th edition in 1932 under the title " Textbook of Physical Metallurgy ") and the monograph " The glassy state " ( 1933).

See also: bird - Fulcher - Tammann equation

Tammann commemorative coin

The German Society for Materials Science (DGM ) gives the Tammann commemorative coin, which is awarded to members of the DGM for the development or management of scientific and technical working groups with which they carried out their own research or development concepts creatively.

Gustav Tammann Price

The Faculty of Chemistry, University of Göttingen gives the Gustav Tammann prize for the best thesis of the year.
