Guy of Warwick

Guy of Warwick ( Gui de Warewic ) is also the name of a knight's novel and the title of his Hero's.

The novel whose earliest version of which dates from the first half of the 13th century, was probably written for a family of Norman upper classes in England in order to glorify their origin. It describes the adventures of a young man in the daughter ( Phaelice ) his Lord (Lord Roband ) love. He manages the knights to win ( by killing a giant, dangerous cow) and to continue to exist all kinds of adventures.

He is fighting with lions, dragons, with the Danish giant Colbrand and undertakes a journey to the Holy Land, where he fights against Saracens and Turks. After a long time and many throes of a hermit converts dies after his return to England finally in the arms of his Phaelice.

The story was and is in England still popular and famous legendary material.

  • Literary work
  • Literature (13th century)
  • Literature ( English )
  • Novel, epic
  • Legend
  • Saga