Gwynt y Môr



The wind farm Gwynt y Môr (Welsh, wind in the sea ') is a property under construction offshore wind farm in the Irish Sea ( Liverpool Bay ) off the Welsh coast. The new park will be located near the existing farm North Hoyle and Rhyl Flats.


The wind farm is expected to feature in the final over 160 wind turbines manufacturer Siemens Wind Power with 3.6 MW rated power, total having an installed electric capacity of 576 MW. From 2014, he is expected to generate around 1,950 gigawatt hours of electrical energy a year and are able to supply the equivalent of approximately 400,000 British households. Depending on the tide the installed systems are available in depths of 12-28 meters. The wind turbine Siemens SWT 3.6 is available with rotor diameters of approximately 107 and 120 meters. To use the variant comes with 107 meter rotor diameter. The individual wind turbines are to be erected each 350-1000 meters of each other, so that an optimal wind yield is guaranteed per plant.

At the joint venture, which will execute the project involving RWE Innogy with 60 %, Stadtwerke München and Siemens with 30 % to 10%.

Planned construction process

After preparatory work was completed, began in August 2012, the construction of the monopile foundation. The wind turbines will be erected from April 2013, the completion of the work is expected for 2014. Early 2013 also began the wiring work between the wind turbines and the two also already constructed substations. During the construction of the wind farm is, inter alia, RWE's own installation vessel Friedrich Ernestine used, which is bereedert of the NSB low Schiffahrtsgesellschaft.
