Gymnasium (ancient Greece)

The gymnasium was an education and training center for young athletes in ancient Greece. Affiliated to the classroom was usually a lined by colonnades yard ( palaestra ), in Roman times came swimming facilities in many cases. The term gymnasium ( ancient Greek γυμνάσιον of Gymnos "naked" ), plural / plural: Gymnasia, German often high schools, comes from the fact that the athletes previously undressed in locker rooms Apodyteria quite so naked trained, the body rubbed with oil and then with the strigilis were cleaned.

The BC was built in the 2nd century gymnasium at Olympia was one of the side porticos limited big place. It was used by the athletes to prepare for the Olympics.

Today gymnasium called the intermediate level of the Greek school system, so the grades 7 (A ' gymnasio ), 8 (B' gymnasio ) and 9 ( Γ ' gymnasio ).
