H. N. Jacobsens Bókahandil

H.N. Jacobsen Bókahandil is the oldest bookshop in the Faroe Islands and is located in the town of Tórshavn. It is also one of the oldest shops in the country.

The bookshop was founded to Ólavsøka on 29 July 1865 by bookbinder Hans Niklai Jacobsen. His son Jakob Jakobsen (1864-1918) is one of the most important Faroese philologist.

Initially, the business was on Tinganes in the local main street Gongin. 1918, the old high school was sold (since 1861) on the marketplace Vaglið at the beginning of Niels Finsens Gøta and offered the book trade fair premises.

The old school building is considered one of the most charming old houses in the capital. In the front garden there are large maple trees, which is on the otherwise almost treeless Faroe Islands, a special attraction. The wooden building itself has a typical Faroese grass roof.

By 2005 H.N. had Jacobsen's bookstore also has its own print shop with its own publishing house, where many Faroese books came out. Even today, the bookstore is the only bookseller of the Faroe Islands. Meanwhile, the bookstore has also taken over the function of tourism information.
