Haematococcus pluvialis

Cysts of Haematococcus pluvialis ( Light Micrograph, differential interference contrast)

The Blutregenalge ( Haematococcus pluvialis ) is a green alga of the class of Chlorophyceae. It is a surrounded by a gelatinous layer, just 0.1 mm (100 microns ) to small, single-celled freshwater algae with cup-shaped chloroplasts, two body long flagella and eyespot. Under poor living conditions they may turn into a permanent stage and form a cyst that has a by carotenoids ( astaxanthin and Others ) caused characteristic reddish color. Astaxanthin is produced to protect against increased UV radiation and also in nutrient deficiency. Inhabited by their habitats such as ponds, small water holes or even holy water basin can be awarded in mass developments by a spectacular blood-red color. This phenomenon is referred to as " blood rain ". The pigment astaxanthin is also responsible for the formation of the so-called blood of the alga Chlamydomonas nivalis snow. This is to astaxanthin this alga red-colored snow that is often found in the mountains.

The Blutregenalge is one of the most important natural sources for the industrial production of astaxanthin dar. partly the legacy name Haematochrom ( or English Haematochrome ) is for the pigment astaxanthin used.


Pictures of Haematococcus pluvialis
