Haglund's deformity

The Haglund syndrome is named after the Swedish orthopedic surgeon Patrik Haglund and describes two similar symptoms:

  • A Verknöcherungsstörung at the heel apophysis in the growing age
  • Increased ossification of the posterior superior tendon attachment of the heel with complaints by pressure of the shoe rim ( Haglund exostosis )


Both diseases are not precisely delineate. The first condition can only occur in children (juvenile osteochondrosis ), in adults, the responsiveness of the bone is too low. The cause is usually too tight shoes. Children do not grow evenly, but in spurts, and sometimes as a growth spurt is not registered. The child may want to keep his " favorite shoes ", the pressure exerted by tight shoes, comes only gradually. A permanent control of the fit too much for many parents. The problem is such exostoses when forming an inflamed bursa over the bone spikes, which is constantly irritated by the trailing edge of the shoe.


The best preventive measures are: to keep the shoes of a child in mind and to remember that a child will complain, late in the wrong footwear. If an exostosis has emerged, one should ensure in any case for relief. One possibility is shoes without trailing edge ( cap ), but also ankle-high shoes can be useful if they are designed to release pressure slightly different than loafers.

As a last resort itself offers the surgical removal of the exostosis, but also the resulting scar tissue is sensitive to pressure. Because of the closely adjacent growth plate, this operation (about 16 - 17th years of age) may be performed only after completion of skeletal growth.

  • Disease in orthopedic and trauma surgery