Hanbeon Deo, OK?

Hanbeon Deo, OK? ( Kor. 한번 더, OK; ? also? " One More Time, OK " (Eng. "? Once again, ok " ) ) is the first Korean studio album by South Korean band, The Grace, which on 4 May 2007 in South Korea was published. Some titles were already published on single before the album, including the debut single, " Too Good ", " The Club" and " 열정 ( My Everything ) ". Then they brought the title song " Habeon deo, OK?" and the hit " Dancer in the Rain" in the charts. For the album was heavily advertised, it even reached # 1 on the M! Countdown SBS Inki Gayo, and the charts.


The album peaked in the Music Industry Association of Korea 's monthly sales charts 6th place in the first month and sold 11,828 times. Thus, The Grace were the first female music group from SM Entertainment, which S.E.S. after the band was successful in the Korean music market.

To date, the album sold 18,000 times, as they still had a strong fan base and they represented the sales figures as low it gave the following reasons:

A month after the album was released, there were allegations that the songs Hanbeon Deo, OK? and Tonight Is On Me are objectionable for younger listeners. The end of August, it was decided that the album got an age rating of 19 and could not be sold to minors, which prevented that the album could continue to sell well.

Title list
