Hanina ben Dosa

Hanina ben Dosa (* 40, † 75, also: Hanina ben Dosa ) was a Jewish scholar of the ancient world and was among the Tannaim of the first generation.


He is described as a miracle worker and healer, is a hero of many legends. He communicates with Yohanan ben Zakkai and Gamaliel II ( whose sons he is said to have saved by his prayer of sickness and death ), he was probably neither Pharisees nor Rabbi.

When he died, it was said that with him the " men of action " ( Anshe ma'aseh, miracle worker ) are extinct ( Sota 9:15 ).

Sources / literature

  • J. b. S. Heilprin, Seder hadoros, Vol II, Warsaw 1897
  • Aaron Hyman, Toldoth Tannaim we- amoraim, Vol I, London 1910
  • Schulim Abi Todos, articles Hanina ben Dosa, in: Jewish Encyclopedia, Berlin 1927, Vol I.
  • Hermann L. Strack and Günter Stemberger, Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash, 7th edition, Beck, Munich 1982