Härnösand Municipality

Härnösand is a municipality (Swedish kommun ) in the Swedish province Västernorrland County and the historic Ångermanland. The main town of the municipality is Härnösand.

Härnösand since 1647 Diocese of the Evangelical Church of Sweden. At the time of this diocese was from the Archdiocese of Uppsala with the peace of Brömsebro than Härjedal and Jämtland were Swedish, dissolved out. It includes the landscapes Medelpad, Ångermanland, Härjedalen and Jämtland. Härjedal had previously part of the Archdiocese of Nidaros church and was only converted in 1660 to the new diocese. Jämtland was to 1570 the archbishopric of Uppsala attributed, although it politically belonged to Norway since the 12th century.

Other towns are Höggsjö, Ramvik, Romans, Stigsjö, Säbrå, Utansjö, Viksjö, Älandsbro etc. Through the village the road leads Europe 4


Härnösand is a coastal community on the Gulf of Bothnia. The coast in front are larger islands. From the coastal plain the municipal area rises to a wooded hill country.


  • Härnösand ( capital )
  • Ramvik
  • Utansjö
  • Älandsbro


Härnösand is an administrative and commercial community. About 50 % of the workforce are employed in the public sector (municipality, county council, county council and military installations ). Only 10% of the labor force working in the industry, which is characterized by medium-sized companies and small businesses.
