Harthacnut I of Denmark

Early years

In the 890 years Denmark was conquered by the Swedes under Olaf. This displaced King Helge and founded the House Olaf in Denmark. According to Adam of Bremen took Olaf and his two sons, the empire " with weapons and violence." Runestones validate the presence of a Swedish ruling family in southern Denmark.

After the death of his two sons Olaf ruled jointly. Approximately 915 then ruled Olaf's grandson Sigtrygg Gnupasson and a Danish noble named Asfrid. Sigtrygg is by two rune stones erected his mother after his death for him occupied.

According to Adam of Bremen Harthaknut came from " Northmannia ". This can be interpreted as Norway or Normandy; just as likely, however, that Harthaknut grew up in the Danelaw areas of East Anglia.

Rise to Power

Immediately after his arrival, 916 met the young Harthaknut Sigtrygg from the throne and began a nearly 30 - year reign. It remains unclear whether Sigtryggs Gnupa father was allowed to reign as tributary sub- king (see the Res gestae Saxonicae of Widukind of Corvey ).


  • Adam of Bremen: Gesta Pontificum Hammaburgensis ecclesiae ( "History of the Hamburg Church " )
  • Ragnarssona þáttr ( " The story of Ragnar's sons " )