
The SS Master Sergeant (abbreviated. Hschf ) was in the German Empire until 1938, the highest rank of the rank group of noncommissioned officers sword knot with the Schutzstaffel (SS). After 1938, only the newly created prominent peak rank SS Sturmscharführer was higher.


In the hierarchy of the Waffen- SS of Hauptscharführer was usually the most senior non-commissioned officer in the company area ( before 1935 SS storm ), a company in the Army and Air Force comparable unit.

Another typical use option was sergeant uses in SS command and control rods, but also in security agencies such as the Gestapo and the SD.

Frequently Hauptscharführer were used in the concentration camp and SS - Einsatzgruppen.

In the images of the insignia or badges of rank are shown that were worn as a shoulder boards and collar patches, as well as sleeve badges from 1942 to Tarn or special suits. The collar patches with SS runes and the rank insignia were worn on the field gray uniform jacket of the Waffen- SS or the gray tunic.

Ranking and insignia

This SS rank was equivalent to the SA upper squad leader and the former staff sergeant in the Army and Air Force of the Armed Forces. Also the rank of SS -Standartenführer top Junkers corresponded nominally the SS Master Sergeant as a cadet of the Waffen- SS. According to today's NATO rank codes this ranks with OR -7 would be comparable. The piping of the shoulder pieces was kept in the fixed location for non-commissioned officers of the Waffen- SS weapons color.

  • OR - stands for the English Other ( enlisted ) Ranks (OR)


Camouflage battle dress
