
Archeoskanzen Havránok (full name Archaeological Open Air Museum NKD Liptovská Mara - Havránok ) is above the Liptovská Mara in the north of Slovakia. The museum is located about two kilometers south of the village Bobrovník in Okres Liptovsky Mikulas.

When setting up the Liptovská Mara dam began in the sixties of the 20th century a systematic archaeological research in the affected area. Archaeologists succeeded significant finds from the Iron Age ( 300-100 BC) to detect them. There a fortified settlement of the Celtic tribe of the Cotini with a Druid sanctuary and six smaller villages have been discovered in its vicinity. The original indigenous population Havránok populated already in the 4th century BC and by their fusion with the Celtic tribes originated the peculiar Púchov culture. The research revealed a sacrificial altar with victims bay, stone paths with portico and Celtic imitation of old antique coins. The uninterruptible settlement on the Havránok lasted until the 2nd century AD It also traces of Germanic settlers were discovered and later the presence of the Slavs. Around the 12th century AD a feudal castle with fortifications made ​​of wood was on the top of the hill built. Some buildings, the Druid sanctuary, stoves, the bridge, parts of the fortification, residential towers, the courtyard and various items were partially restored and are now part of the open-air archaeological museum.

1967 explained to the open air museum Havránok a national cultural monument and it is now in the administration of Liptauer Museum in Ružomberok.
