Hazem Salah Abu Ismail

Hazem Salah Abu Ismail (Arabic حازم صلاح أبو إسماعيل, DMG Hazim Salah Abū ʿ Ismā īl; * 1961 in Dokki ) is an Egyptian scholar of Salafism and Islamist politicians.

Abu Ismail is the son of Azhar scholars and legislators Salah Abū ʿ Ismā īl, which was in 1976 participated in the elaboration of an Islamic criminal law reform in the 1980s and was one of the most important representatives of religious opposition to the Mubarak regime.

Commitment and presidential campaign

Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, his son was a long time member of the Muslim Brotherhood. He left the Brotherhood because he wanted to compete for the presidential elections in Egypt in 2012. Ismail had confirmed that he was proud to be associated with the Muslim Brotherhood; However, he was no longer a member because there were smaller differences. In April 2012, the Election Commission announced Abu Ismail excluded from the presidential election because his mother would have had the American nationality. Candidates must possess according to law solely the Egyptian citizenship and descended from Egyptian parents.

After the Election Commission Abu Ismail had objected to the exclusion finally rejected, he announced that Egypt would experience an "Islamic revolution."

Political positions

Hasem Abu Ismail takes the position that personal freedom is incompatible with the religious law of Islam. In the event of his election victory he announces to force all women in Egypt wear the veil. It would also prohibit tourists drinking alcohol in public. He advocates for the closure of casinos, which are currently available only to foreign visitors. Tourist women wearing two-piece bathing suits should be arrested by Abu Ismail. The Committee encourages discrimination against Egypt's Christians: He says it was an " honor" for non-Muslims to pay the Muslim poll tax ( jizya ). To this end, he says that the Copts had no reason to complain because they would be better off in Egypt than Muslims in the United States.

Abu Ismail calls for an end to the peace treaty with Israel and says that the reboot of relations with Iran is a better solution than maintaining ties to the Jewish state. The relationship with the United States of America should remain intense, but only as long as it serves mutual benefits and interests.

He believes that Pepsi stands for Pay Every Penny Saving Israel to German "Pay every penny to save Israel." In addition, Abu Ismail regarded Osama bin Laden as a martyr.
