HD 11506

HD 11506 is a main sequence star of spectral type G0, which is encircled by the two potential exoplanets HD 11506 b and HD 11506 c. The star is in the constellation Cetus, and has a mass of about 1.2 solar masses.

Exoplanet candidates

HD 11506 b orbits the central star with an orbital period of 1270 days at a distance of approximately 2.43 astronomical units and has a minimum mass of about 3.44 Jupiter masses. The property was built in 2007 by Debra Fischer et al. discovered using the radial velocity method. HD 11506 c orbits the central star with an orbital period of 170 days at a distance of about 0.64 AU with a minimum mass of about 0.82 Jupiter masses. The object was discovered by Mikko Tuomi and Samuli Kotiranta after they were able to examine the data by Debra Fischer in more detail using recent computer models.
