HD 196050

HD 196 050 is a star in the constellation peacock. From our solar system, the star some 160 light years (50 parsecs ) is far away. The apparent magnitude is 7.5 like the spectral type is G3 V. The star is in size and luminosity similar to our sun (only about 10-20% larger than the sun ), but a lot younger. 2002, a planet was discovered around HD 196 050.

The Planet

The planet HD 196 050 b according to the prevailing nomenclature simply called "b". The large number of exoplanets now found ( in 2014 over 1500) makes it impractical to give each of the planets a proper name, which would correspond to the names in the solar system. HD 196 050 b was discovered in 2002 by the radial velocity method. The movement of the central celestial body is measured, which is caused by the gravitational effect of the planet. It orbits its star at 2.54 AU, with an eccentricity of 0.228 ± 0.038. For an orbit of the planet needs 1378 ± 21 days at a mass of 2.90 Jupiter masses.


  • Jones et al.: Extrasolar planets around HD 196 050, HD 216437 and HD 160691 Add: . Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society. 337, No. 4, 2002, pp. 1170-1178. Accessed on 16 December 2007.
  • Greenhill et al. Epsilon Eridani, upsilon Andromedae, 51 Pegasi, HD 209458, HD 196050 Add: . IAU Circ .. 2002 Accessed on 16 December 2007..
  • Mugrauer et al.: Four new wide binaries among exoplanet host stars. In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 440, No. 3, 2005, pp. 1051-1060. Accessed on 16 December 2007.