HD 219828

8 L ☉

HD 219 828 is the name of the sun about 70 parsecs ( 240 light years) distant star that is orbited by an exoplanet. The in the constellation Pegasus star is a supergiant of spectral type G0 and is like with its apparent brightness of 8.04 invisible to the naked eye. With a surface temperature of about 5900 K, the rating of the sun is relatively similar.

The Planet

Due to the large number of newly found, extrasolar planets are awarded newfound companions no longer proper names. Wherefore the name of the planet, which orbits HD 219 828, just "b ", ie HD 219 828 b. HD 219 828 b is a Neptune -like planet, and is at least 21 times as massive as the Earth. Whether the object is an ice planet, a gas planet or even a stone planet, then something like a " super-Earth " would be, is, you do not know yet.
