
The ancient Egyptian white crown of the South has so far been associated with traditional Upper Egypt since the pre-dynastic period. There is no doubt symbolized the white crown of the south until the first dynasty under Wadji with a geographical expansion of the country's total part of Upper Egypt.


Earlier assumptions

In Egyptology based on the assumption that the white crown was already in primeval epochs for Upper Egypt, on the representations of Narmer in his unification. While the red crown of the North, however, still stands as a symbol in prädynastischer time for the Upper Egyptian Naqada region, the white crown of the South is in the Naqada IIIA Culture Nubian Qustul.

New insights

Jochem Kahl assumes that the detected close contacts of Qustul and Hierakonpolis make the assumption probable that Hierakonpolis may be regarded as the "home of the white crown ". This assumption is corroborated by the finding of a knife handle in the grave of Uj on which the white crown is already mapped.

The references show evidence that the red and white crown were in prädynastischer time just for the country part of Upper Egypt, while Lower Egypt not yet made ​​its appearance crown default. Horus was his main cult Hierakonpolis, Upper Egypt are assigned, while Seth was also, however, based in Upper Egypt in Naqada. In addition, the geographical subdivision of Egypt appears striking, with Upper Egypt with the two crowns was initially limited to the Nile Valley and Lower Egypt referred only to the fertile core area of the Nile Delta.

The under King Wadji (around 2880-2870 BC), first introduced under Egyptian equation is documented in the changed appearance of the Nebtinamens. While the crown goddess Nekhbet is seen on an annual tablet of Wadji that represented Upper Egypt, the native of Buto serpent goddess Wadjit was replaced by the red crown of the North.
