

The army mountain ( 964.4 m above sea level. NHN ) is a survey of the south-western Swabian Alb in Albstadt. He is surrounded by the districts Albstadt Margrethausen, Lautlingen, running on the Eyach and Burgfelden. The Eyach, a right tributary of the Neckar, the army mountain from the north to wrap around to the northwest. Due to the strong erosion effect of Eyach and its tributaries the army mountain, together with the adjacent high surface Burgfeldens now completely isolated from the rest of the Swabian Alb, one speaks of an outrigger.

Its mostly treeless plateau is characterized by a large juniper heath. On the steep wooded slopes of the mountain army is usually found in front of rocky terrain.

In the years 1940/1941 German mountain troops of the 4th Mountain Division ( Enzian Division ) were set up in the area. A section of the trail of Lautlingen the army mountain is still called Muliweg because the mountain troops had to use with their mules this steep Albaufstieg almost every day during their training. A memorial stone on the high plateau reminiscent of the Muliweg and the Enzian Division.

200 meters north of the viewpoint army mountain there are the remains of the castle army mountain.
