Hefei Xinqiao International Airport

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The airport Hefei Xinqiao (Chinese合肥 新桥 国际 机场, Pinyin Hefei Xinqiao Guoji Jīchǎng, English: Hefei Xinqiao International Airport ) is a Chinese civilian airport. It is located in the large village Gaoliu the circle Feixi Hefei City and is about 30 km from the city center. The airport is in the 4E class. There are first to 11 million passengers expected.

Is currently still under construction, the new built internationally oriented airport scheduled to open on 25 February 2013. The current airport Hefei Luogang is replaced by the Hefei Xinqiao Airport.

The airport terminal is 800 m long and 160 m wide. The terminal looks from above like a tropical fish. In April 2011, has signed the contract for the metal roof of the terminal Hunter Douglas Architectural Products (China) ( HDAPC ).
