Heliothis peltigera

Heliothis Peltigera

Heliothis Peltigera, and henbane - Blüteneule called, is a butterfly (moth ) from the family of cutworms ( Noctuidae ).

  • 5.1 Notes and references
  • 5.2 Literature



The wingspan of the moth is 29-40 mm. The ground color of the forewings varies in different yellowish and brownish tints. So pale yellow or beige brown colored specimens are found, which can also be dusted occasionally reddish light. An extension of the black-brown kidney taint extends to the front edge. Only a very small point, the ring stain are indicated. Zapf blemishes are usually not recognizable. The wavy line ends at the leading edge in a distinct brown spot. On the gray-brown hind wings, a black center spot and a broad dark fabric tape with white fringes are visible.


The caterpillars are yellow colored green, have red-brown transverse bands with fine white dots, gray back and side back lines and off white side stripes.

Similar Species

  • Heliothis nubigera shows less distinctive kidney blemish and lighter hind wings.
  • The cotton Kapseleule ( Helicoverpa armigera ) is usually lighter in color and less contrast. The kidneys blemishes are indistinct and not connected to the front edge.

Distribution and habitat

Heliothis Peltigera is spread throughout the Mediterranean and subtropical Palearctic. In Africa, the southern occurrence extends into the Sudan and Eritrea, Europe is the way to the Mediterranean down to earth. She is a regular migrants to the north and flies to England and Fennoscandia. The heat -loving species occurs mainly on warm slopes, hot before Ödländereien and gardens.

Way of life

The moths are predominantly diurnal and visit various flowers such as also the butterfly bush ( Buddleja davidii ). They fly in the early summer to the north and then form an autumn generation in August and September. However, the following individuals do not survive the winter in Central Europe. The caterpillars feed on polyphagous of the leaves, flowers and especially the seeds of various plants. These include henbane ( Hyoscyamus ), black nightshade ( Atropa belladonna ), Meadow Sage ( Salvia patrensis ), Spiny rest-harrow ( Ononis spinosa ) and others. In southern countries the caterpillars are also found on crop plants and may even be harmful.


Heliothis Peltigera regularly flies, but in very different numbers to Germany as migrant moths and can in climatically favorable years quite numerous occur. The species is performed on the Red List of endangered species in some states as Irrgast.

