
The Hellanodiken (Greek Ἑλλανοδίκαι, Hellanodikai, literally " Hellenenrichter " ) were judges at the Olympic Games of antiquity. Your name made ​​it clear that all Greeks were entitled to participate in the games. Hellanodiken there were also at the games of Nemea and the Asklepios sanctuary at Epidaurus. Furthermore, the term for a judgeship in Sparta is attested.


The Hellanodiken the Olympic Games were part of the aristocracy of Elis. They were identified ten months before the start of the match by lot. In the following years they studied the rules and have been thoroughly trained. In the earlier period it was the Hellanodiken allowed to participate even in the games. There was originally only one or two Hellanodiken their number has increased ( on twelve temporarily ) in the 4th century BC to ten. Hellanodiken had to show special qualities. The ability to be impartial, fair and incorruptible, was a prerequisite. Still occasionally appeared rumors about the corruption of individual judges. Such offenses are punishable by fines. This revenue was erected more Zeusstatuen.


The arrival time for participating athletes was 30 days before the start of the festival. During this period the Hellanodiken tested the suitability of the athletes by watching their public training, and met the classification of athletes in age groups ( boys and men). Because there were no birth certificates, they took this before by inspection. Furthermore, the Hellanodiken strictly enforcing hygiene rules and regulations during the competitions. It was optional for them to carry out corporal punishment in violation of rules or to disqualify athletes. For punishment to be exercised by early starters in the running events, the so-called " whip-bearers " were responsible.

Known by name Helladonics

  • Archias, mid 4th century before Christ.