
Hemamieh (El - Hammamiya ) is a village in central Egypt on the east side of the Nile, in the province Sauhadsch. The place is known in Egyptology mainly because of the cemeteries of prehistoric and Pharaonic times. From 1922 to 1931 Guy Brunton dug in the region of Qaw el -Kebir in the south to the north Matmar over a distance of about 36 km approximately 10 000 tombs, which include all pre-Islamic eras, Egyptian history and thus the whole eastern shore of wadjit - nome cover. In Hemamieh there were some smaller cemeteries, including important burials of the Badari culture. Here also a small settlement was excavated from prehistoric times. From the Old Kingdom come rock tombs (see: Kachenet (I.), Kachenet ( II )) of nomarchs of Wadjit - nome.
