
Hemisphere synchronization is a method to change the brain activity to the effect tried that in both hemispheres similar brain waves are measured. From the American engineer Robert Allan Monroe a technique ( HemiSync ) has been developed with which one is to reach this state and wants to achieve the targeted building on positive mental effects.

Neurological aspects

The human cerebrum is divided into left and right brain. The summed electrical activity ( " brain waves " ) can be measured by means of electroencephalography. Through hemisphere synchronization to be achieved that take place simultaneous pulses of energy in both hemispheres.

Hemisphärensynchronizität was observed in schizophrenia patients during epileptic seizures, in delta coma and dying people. It is accompanied by diminished mental capacity.

Monroe's Hemi-Sync

Monroe believed that the thought processes of the brain are realized in the hemispheres with different clock frequencies. The artificial approximation of the clock frequencies he called hemisphere synchronization. To achieve this alignment he sat acoustic sound signals a (so-called Binaural Beats): A listener believes an acoustic beat listen when ever one ear a low-frequency sound (<1000 Hz) is played, and if these two tones only a small frequency difference ( <30 Hz ) have ( the frequency difference is larger, there are two separate tones true).

Monroe suspected a subsequent reaction in the brain, in the same groups of neurons in nerve impulses may occur. He presented the thesis that sound signals of this type can cause a synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres, and that will then be associated with positive effects such as pain relief and increasing learning ability. He developed the working with Mind Machines Hemi - Sync method and established for its dissemination and exploration of The Monroe Institute ( TMI). The hemisphere synchronization is to Monroe the biological prerequisite for an out of body experience and lucid dreaming. You could be just caused willfully and controlled with a pure mental technique, such as a so-called mental system.


The method is not scientifically plausible and their effectiveness in dispute. So Stuart Coupland presented with the use of Hemi-Sync enhanced asymmetry between the hemispheres fixed - instead of the desired symmetry. Against the expected effect is also suggested that the sound signals act on the brain stem and not to the hemispheres.

On behalf of the U.S. Army, the United States National Research Council devices examined the hemisphere synchronization. It 's criticism of the present studies on the effectiveness of the devices that placebo, compliance and expectancy effects were not taken into account, and that you messed bring Statistical Variables ( source dates from 1988).

George Adelmann warned in 1986 that the pulsating stimuli, such as those used in Hemi-Sync, can cause epileptic seizures. The Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync still recommended for the treatment of epilepsy.

Monroe itself has provided no scientific publications on his method.

Contrary to the o a study by Coupland et al. there are practical tests by other authors, for example:

  • A 2004 study in which patients under general anesthesia in addition HemiSync cassettes heard what partially caused significantly reduced Narkotikabedarf
  • Peter J. Van Der Schaar, MD, PhD: Attention Deficit and Learning Disorders: Impressions of Combined Treatment with Amino Acids and Hemi -Sync ®, 1996
  • A study from 1997 by James D. Lane, Stefan J. Kasian, Justine E. Owens (all Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA and Center for the Study of Complementary and Alternative Therapies, School of Nursing, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA) together with Gail R Marsh ( Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, United States): Binaural Auditory beats Affect Vigilance performance and Mood
  • D. Brian Brady: Binaural -Beat Induced Theta EEG Activity and Hypnotic Susceptibility, Northern Arizona University, May 1997
  • Helane Wahbeh, Carlo Calabrese, Heather Zwickey, Dan Zajdel: Binaural Beat Technology in Humans: A Pilot Study to Assess Neuropsychopharmacology Logic, Physiologic, And electroencephalographic Effects, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. March 2007: 199-206
  • Christina F. Lavallee, Stanley A. Koren, Michael A. Persinger: A Quantitative electroencephalographic Study of Meditation and Binaural Beat Entrainment, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. April 2011: 351-355

And the essays:

  • Holt, J.: Pilot exploration of CNS electrophysiology of Hemi-Sync and related altered states of consciousness, in Focusing the Whole Brain. Edited by Russell R. Charlottesville, Va, Hampton, 2004
  • Donald R. Morse DDS, MA ( Biol), MA ( Psychol ), PhD ( Nutr ); Brain wave synchronizers: A review of Their stress reduction effects and clinical studies Assessed by questionnaire, galvanic skin resistance, pulse rate, saliva, and electroencephalograph, Stress Medicine, Volume 9, issue 2, pages 111-126, April 1993
  • Holt, Jonathan H.: Psycho - Oncology and Hemi -Sync ® (full text available online )
  • Russ Mason: Alternative and Complementary Therapies, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, June 2004, 10 ( 3): 156-160.