

Hemis is a village in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is located in the district of Leh, about 40 kilometers south of the town of Leh amidst the Himalayan region of Ladakh.

Hemis is the seat of one of the oldest and largest Buddhist monasteries in the area ( Hemis Gompa ), which have emerged since about 300 BC there. That monastery was known in Europe in 1894 by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and recognized by Swami Abhedananda and many other authentic travelogue of a Russian journalist named Nikolai Notowitsch as the alleged final destination of a walk of Jesus Christ.

In Hemis each year there is a large colorful festival with masquerades, dances, etc., which attracts many tourists. Since 1981, the region is designated as national park and wildlife preserve, with an average altitude of about 3000 m.
