Henri de Mondeville

Henri de Ville Monde, also Henry de Ville Monde, Hermondaville, Henry of Ville Monde, Henricus de Mondavilla (* about 1260, † 1320), teacher of anatomy at Montpellier and was the personal physician of Philip the Fair.


His childhood was spent Mondeville probably in Normandy. He studied medicine, he began in Montpellier or Paris. At the University of Bologna he studied surgery and anatomy, as well as his later pupils Guy de Chauliac. He studied with Guido Lanfranchi, Theodoric Borgognoni and Jean Pitart. Then taught at the University of Montpellier.

He was appointed surgeon of the French king Philip the Fair (le bel ). Here, he also began work on his " Cyrurgia ," the first French textbook of surgery, with whom he introduce innovations into surgery attempts ( predecessor of Chauliacs " Chirurgia Magna "). Von Galen, he took over the doctrine of the two chambers of the human uterus. To illustrate his lectures, he used as the first wall charts and anatomical models. In addition to the surgery, he dealt with the medical deontology. In his work the Aristotelian philosophy flowed. He was Mondino dei Luzzi predecessor of Bologna.
