Henriette Avram

Henriette Avram Davidson (nee Davidson, born October 7, 1919 in New York; † April 22, 2006 in Miami) was an American computer programmer and librarian. She was married to Herbert Avram. Together they had three children.


1952, Avram to work for the National Security Agency. There they remained for seven years. After an interlude in the private sector, she joined in 1965 - without having previously enjoyed a library education - in the Library of Congress. There, they should develop a data format for the exchange of bibliographic data. They then developed the spread in librarianship today MARC. 1992 ended her career Avram at the Library of Congress and moved to California ( Maryland) together with her husband. When Herbert Avram died after 64 years of marriage, they moved their last residence in Miami.

Publications (selection )

  • MARC, its history and implications. Library of Congress, 1975 ( full text available)
  • The evolving MARC system: The concept of a data utility. Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, 1970 ( full text available)