Henry Jolles

Henry Jolles ( born November 28, 1902 in Berlin, † July 16, 1965 in São Paulo; actually Heinz Jolles ) was a German composer and pianist.

Education and work

Jolles studied in Berlin piano with Edwin Fischer and Artur Schnabel and composition with Paul Juon. He also took private lessons with Kurt Weill. As a pianist, classical and contemporary works he acquired very soon an excellent reputation in professional circles and in 1928 received a professorship of piano at the Musikhochschule in Cologne.

Emigration and exile in Brazil

1933 Jolles was dismissed by the Nazis from all offices and emigrated to France, where he succeeded in Paris, is - in contrast to most other exiles - relatively successfully establish in musical life. Among other things, Jolles headed 1935-1939 Concert Company La Sonata. After the invasion of German troops to France in 1940 but he had to flee again. He managed to get an entry permit for Brazil, where he umänderte his first name Heinz in Henry.

Activity in Brazil

1952 he was appointed Hans -Joachim Koellreutter at the Escola Livre de Música in São Paulo. After the war, Henry Jolles undertook from 1946 concert tours to Europe and toured in 1950 for the first time back in Germany. On the success of the pre-war period, however, he was not able. He died on 16 July 1965 in São Paulo.


From Jolles ' compositions before 1933, only a fragment of a jointly composed with Kurzweill piano duet piece is preserved. In Brazil, he wrote, inter alia, a ballet Carmen, a sonata for violin and piano, the song Ultimo poema de Stefan Zweig and various piano pieces.
