Henry of Treviso

Blessed Henry of Bolzano ( * around 1250 in Bolzano, † June 10, 1315 in Treviso ) is the patron saint of Bolzano.


Henry was a pious, ascetic living worker who earned the goodwill of the people of Treviso whether its poverty. Henry probably came after a pilgrimage from Bolzano to Rome with his family in the area of ​​Treviso, and remained there until his death. Since it should also have come during his funeral and later miracles, Henry of Bolzano was beatified in 1750 by Pope Benedict XIV.

Relics of Blessed Henry were transferred to 1759 in a solemn translation to Bolzano and deposited in a no longer existing side chapel of the parish church of Bolzano.

1868-69 is built on Heinrichshof in Bolzano village a private chapel in his honor in neo-Romanesque style. When he was appointed as patron of the city of Bolzano, does not seem to. In a painting from the year 1802 but he is clearly presented as such. He is also considered the patron saint of lumberjacks.

In 1936, the novel Henry of Bolzano. The Life and Death of a poor German Tyrolean writer Fanny Wibmer - Pedit.

In Bolzano the Causes of Henry Street is named after him.
