Henry Pancoast

Henry Khunrath Pancoast ( born February 26, 1875 in Philadelphia, † May 20 1939 in Merion, Pennsylvania) was an American radiologist.


The son of a doctor received his medical degree in 1898 from the School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania. In the following years he worked as an anesthesiologist at the Hospital of the University. In 1902 he was appointed as Head of the local X-ray department successor of Charles Lester Leonard ( 1861-1913 ). Pancoast in 1911 was appointed the first professor of radiology in the United States. 1939 Eugene Pendergrass followed him in this position.


Pancoast dealt esp. with radiotherapy, the representation of the gastrointestinal tract and the use of radiographs in occupational medicine, particularly regarding pneumoconiosis and silicosis in miners.

Under Pancoasts line the radiology department of the University Hospital was expanded and systematically improved the training.

1932 Pancoast described a form of lung cancer, the Pancoast tumor.

Writings (selection )

  • H. Pancoast, E. Pendergrass: Pneumoconiosis ( silicosis ). New York, 1926.