Heraclides of Tarentum

Heraclides of Tarentum was a significant empirical doctor in Alexandria ( 75 BC).

He was a teacher of Ainesidemos. Its pharmacological works ( Antiochida Pros, Pros Astydamanta, Nikolaos, stratiotes, the first Militärpharmakopoe ) have subsequently conveys the valuable pharmacological material of the elderly, particularly the empirical Doctors: Celsus (or his source) draws from him. We also find its therapeutic plants (Ta entos and Ektos therapeutics, Theriaka ) many times before Celsus. Strange is his learned " medical " symposium, which Athenaeus has used. It is the dietary content and touched with his Diaitētikon. Through the mediation of Niger sorts has come from his dietary writings in the Naturalis historia Pliny the Elder and Dioscorides. There are also important his medical grammatical works: his use of Rufos Comments on Hippocrates and be directed against the Herophileer Bakcheios lexicon (with many etymologies ), wrote against the Apollonius of Citium a rebuttal.
