Herbert Croly

Herbert David Croly ( born January 23, 1869 in New York City; † May 17, 1930 ) was an American journalist and author.

Herbert Croly was born in 1869 in New York City. His parents were both journalists. In 1892 he married Louise Emory.

In 1884 he began his studies at the City College of New York and studied from 1886 for two years at Harvard University without a degree to achieve.

From 1900 he was editor of a magazine Architecture ( Architectural Record ), and in 1914 he became the first editor of the political magazine The New Republic, which "became the opinion-forming Journal of the political and literary elite of America. "

His most famous work was The Promise of American Life, which describes the way to a welfare state. This work had a strong influence on the American president Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and the consultants of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which ushered in the New Deal.
