Hermann Wagener

Friedrich Wilhelm Hermann Wagener ( born March 8, 1815 in Segeletz, now part of Wusterhausen / Dosse, † April 22, 1889 in Friedenau in Berlin) was a Prussian jurist, chief editor of the New Prussian newspaper ( Kreuzzeitung ) and was more conservative Prussian ministry officials and politicians.


Wagener was the son of a country parson in Neuruppin. After graduating from high school in Salzwedel, he studied law in Berlin from 1835. It deals with the legal philosophy of Friedrich Julius steel and the economic ideas of Karl Ludwig von Haller to the principle of legitimacy.

Hermann Wagener went through the usual legal career, 1838 was a law clerk at the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt (Oder) under the Vice President Ludwig von Gerlach and worked from 1844 to 1847 as an assessor in the Meliorative in Prussia; later in the Consistory of the Province of Saxony. In 1847 he was the Higher Regional Court and Konsistorialassessor in Magdeburg and was busy with the disciplinary clashes against Leberecht Uhlich.

In 1848 he retired from the civil service of, settled as a lawyer at the Higher Tribunal and came to the request of operating in Magdeburg Court of Appeal President Gerlach after and founded the party organ of the Conservative Party, the New Prussian newspaper to save the monarchy. Until 1854 he guided them as editor in chief. Theodor Fontane, who worked under him at this time, political foresight told him in his memoirs by and called him " a kind of side sun to Bismarck ." With this activity Wagener has become one of the most famous and controversial conservative publicists, certainly by the successful journalistic collaboration with Otto von Bismarck. In 1848 he founded the Association for king and country.

In 1854 he resigned from the editorial board of the newspaper cross and invested his severance in the Good Stupid Joke to Pommern and worked until 1856 as a lawyer in Berlin. After he retired in 1856 with the title Judicial Council from his position as a lawyer, he had himself elected deputies in Pomerania. How he acquired as a skilful and quick-witted speaker at the rostrum of the Prussian Chamber of Deputies, and since 1867 in the North German and 1871 in the German Reichstag great service to his party, so no less by the scientific justification, which he conservative views which since 1859 he issued to give " State and society Encyclopedia " tried.

In 1861 he participated in the founding of the conservative Prussian People's Association, which was active until 1872. On March 29, 1866, he was appointed against the will of King Wilhelm I to lecture border advice in the State Department, as Bismarck by him to chain sought at least a portion of the old conservative party of his policies. At the same time Bismarck pulled him into the social issues to rate. ( Fontane reported Wagener tried to instill Bismarck, " to fight the hated bourgeoisie by the social democracy." That is, he had encouraged Bismarck to his talks with Ferdinand Lassalle. ) In the first German Reichstag he supported Bismarck successfully through his speeches on the German imperial Constitution and the Jesuit law. Wagener's efforts to establish a socially - conservative party in 1872 failed.

In 1873 he became the first Council in the Ministry of State, but not approved by Emperor Wilhelm I. for personal presentation, as now rumors of its share of unsound foundations ( Pomeranian Central Railway ) had spread, in 1873 the House of Representatives outlining publicly his political adversaries Eduard Lasker. Wagener did not merely submit his resignation, but was also condemned by the court as compensation for 40,000 thalers illegal profits, which he lost all his property. In 1878 he founded the interdenominational " Social Conservative Association ".

Hermann Wagener published numerous current writings, such as the social question. His most important work was the political and social lexicon of 1862. The program of the German Conservative Party from 1876 was written by him. He was also the spiritual father of the draft workers insurance.

Hermann Wagener, a member of the Catholic Apostolic congregations, died 1889 in Friedenau at the age of 74 years.

Politically Wagener wanted to curb the influence of the Catholic Church, the "Social Pope " a " social Emperor " oppose ( A solution of the social question from the standpoint of reality and practice, 1878).


  • Judaism and the state. Berlin 1857.
  • Memorandum on the economic associations and social coalitions. Neuschönefeld 1867 ( Ver. Eugen Dühring prop ).
  • State and social lexicon. Berlin 1859-1867, 23 volumes; Supplement 1868
  • The solution of the social question from the standpoint of reality and practice. From a practical statesman. Bielefeld and Leipzig, 1878.
  • The Friedrich Wilhelm IV Berlin 1883 policy.
  • -Experienced. My memoirs from the period 1848-1866 and from 1873 until now. 1 Department. Berlin 1884.
  • -Experienced. My memoirs from the period 1848-1866 and from 1873 until now. 2 Department. Berlin 1885.
  • The small but powerful party. Addendum to " -experienced ". My memoirs from the period 1848-1866 and from 1873 until now. Berlin 1885
  • The deficiencies of the Christian Socialist movement. Minden 1885.