Herniaria hirsuta

Haired rupturewort ( Herniaria hirsuta )

The Hairy rupturewort ( Herniaria hirsuta ) is a species of the carnation family ( Caryophyllaceae ).


The Hairy rupturewort is a one year or a few years perennial, herbaceous plant. The prostrate stems are 5 to 15 centimeters long. The stems, leaves and the calyx are conspicuous bristly hairy.

The flowering period extends from May to September. About ten flowers are borne in inflorescences knäueligen. The sepals are 0.2 to 2 millimeters long and mucronate.

The fruit is at most as long as the perianth.


The Hairy rupturewort is a sub-Mediterranean Florenelement. Its distribution extends from the Canary Islands on the Mediterranean to Pakistan, also it is found in East Africa and in South America.

In Central Europe, the Hairy thrives rupturewort on calcium-poor, mostly weakly acidic, humus- poor, rather solidified, stony - sandy soils. It takes plenty of heat in the summer. It settled gappy sand lawns, sandy roads, embankments and dunes, mainly in the upper and middle Rhine region, in the area of the mouth of the Main, at the foot of the Swiss Jura, Lake Geneva, on Alpenfuß as well as in Upper and Lower Austria. At its Central European locations, it is rare to unstable.

Pictures of Herniaria hirsuta
