
Heterobathmia is a morphologically primitive genus of butterflies. They are the only genus of the family Heterobathmiidae and the subordination Heterobathmiina of butterflies. The animals come in temperate ( warm temperate ) before the south of South America.


The primitive moths feed on pollen of various note book species ( Nothofagus ). You can pick up good with their specially shaped and consisting of five segments Maxillarpalpen pollen while they grind it with the teeth on the mandibles and epipharynx (Annex of head capsule ) before they eat it. In contrast to the Urmotten ( Micropterigidae ) the subordination Zeugloptera who also eat pollen, the moths of Heterobathmiidae are specialized but less on the pollen feeding. You only have one mouth tool for collecting pollen and lack the sensilla placodea ( a heart-shaped and perforated structure) on the labial and Maxilarpalpen. Thus, they are more closely related to the subordination Glossata.


So far, eleven species are discovered, where Heterobathmia pseuderiocrania most common and widely occurring.

