Hibernaculum (zoology)

As Hibernarium or Hibernaculum a winter camp is referred to in zoology. Hand of man created opportunities for overwintering insects are hotels.


The term Hibernarium is predominantly in Entomology ( Entomology ) was used. It is prepared from the caterpillar spun yarns are usually spun with rolled leaves or other plant parts to a kind of leaf bag. In particular, here are some butterflies, such as Kingfisher ( Limenitidinae ) and Dickkopffalter to call ( Hesperiidae ), for example,

  • Large Kingfisher ( Limenitis populi )
  • White Admiral ( Limenitis camilla )
  • Southern White Admiral ( Limenitis reducta )
  • Limenitis archippus,
  • Black mourning butterfly ( Neptis rivularis )
  • Plebejus - Dickkopffalter ( Erynnis day )
  • Red Dice Dickkopffalter ( Spialia Sertorius )
  • Mallow Skipper ( Carcharodus alceae )
  • Loreley Dickkopffalter ( Carcharodus lavatherae )
  • Alpine Rock-rose Cube Dickkopffalter ( Pyrgus warrenensis ) and others.

Of the tracked individual to the owls moths ( Noctuidae ) moths counting those wintering areas are usually applied on the ground. Representing here is the blueberry Stricheule ( Hyppa rectilinea ) call. Even with the caterpillars of the Yucca Moth ( Prodoxidae ) Hibernarien can be found. Hornet queens (Vespa ) also hibernate in winter similar protective housings.

Mammals and snakes

Other shelters such as earth, stone or tree hollows, which are mammals ( Mammalia) eg Choose brown bears (Ursus arctos), marmots (Marmota ) or bats ( Microchiptera ) and snakes ( Serpentes ) as winter quarters are in the German language is not as Hibernarium, but sometimes referred to as Hibernaculum.
