Highland Cathedral

Highland Cathedral is a popular bagpipe tune, which was composed in Germany by the German Ulrich Roever and Michael Korb in 1982 on the occasion of Highland Games. It was proposed as the Scottish national anthem to " Scotland the Brave " and " Flower of Scotland " to replace.

Text versions

There is for the melody different texts: one of Ben Kelly (1990) and one of Terry Mechan (1998). The text was written by Terry Mechan as recognition for fighting overseas Scots. It is Scotland's equivalent to " Abide with Me" for national sports events and as an anthem before the Battle. In church and gospel choirs verses from Psalm 118 are used as the text for this melody. By Werner Bonfig the German text version dates "Get back on ". The Cologne-based cult band Black Fööss coverte 2008 " Highland Cathedral" under the title "You bes the city " as a tribute to the city of Cologne in a famous Cologne dialect.

Terry Mechan (1998)

There is a country far from this distant shore Where heather grows and Highland eagles soar There is a country thatwill live evermore Deep in my heart, my Bonnie Scotland Though I serve so far away I still see your dreams, cities and streams I can not wait until the day When I'll come home once more And so Lord keep me from the harm of war Through all its dangers and the battle 's roar Keep me safe until I'm home once more Home to my own in Bonnie Scotland

Ben Kelly ( 1990)

Land of my fathers, we will always be Faithful and loyal to our own country. In times of danger we will set you free, Lead you to glory and to victory. Hail, Caledonia, to our ancient prayer, In this Highland Cathedral let our standards bear, Joining together with one dream to share, God bless the people of this country so fair. Gone is the past, let us start anew, Let this hope of peace always REMAIN. Spirit of Scotia be strong and true, Then our children will smile again, again, again, again. Rise, Caledonia, let your voices ring In this Highland Cathedral of our God and King. Who joy and liberty to all will bring. Come let your heart with love and courage sing.

Simon Paterson -Brown and Christopher Thomson ( 2013)

Scotland my country and my country of birth Highlands and Islands to the Solway Firth Where'er I travel and where'er I roam Highland Cathedral in my heart, my home. Scots unite all across the world And let the home fires burn in your eyes Lists now can you hear the call For Scotland will you rise? March as one to the pipes and drums Stand up for the right, fight without fear Strong and true in adversity For Scotland will you cheer? Scotland my country and my country of birth Highlands and Islands to the Solway Firth Where'er I travel and where'er I roam Highland Cathedral in my heart, my home.

Psalm version ( verses from Psalm 118)

This is the Day Which the Lord hath made We will rejoice and be glad in it This is the Day the Lord hath made ​​did We will rejoice and be glad in it

O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, He is good and his mercy endureth forever, His mercy endureth forever


"Highland Cathedral " was

  • Used as film music, for example in the British film " Four Weddings and a Funeral";
  • To 1997 used as a song of the Royal Hong Kong Police;
  • Played on June 30, 1997, when Hong Kong's last governor Chris Patten was ask the British flag in front of his official residence at the handover to China.