Hipolit Cegielski

Gaspar Józef Hipolit Cegielski ( born January 6, 1813 in Ławki at Gniezno, † November 30, 1868 in Poznań ) was a philologist, entrepreneur, journalist and politician.

Life and work

Hipolit Cegielski was born the son of Michał Cegielski and his wife Józefa born Palkowski. His mother's early death and the economic bankruptcy of his father forced him quickly to make his life on their own. He attended schools in Tresmessen and poses and then studied in Berlin, where he also gained his doctorate in 1840. After graduating, he returned to Posen, where he was a high school teacher. Besides his work as a teacher, he published linguistic and didactic scientific papers, including " O slowie polskim i koniugacjach jego " ( About Polish vocabulary and conjugation), " Gramatyka języka greckiego " ( a textbook for Greek grammar) and " Nauka poezji " ( poetry teaching).

During the riots in 1846, he refused to carry out inspections of the private spaces of his students, leading to his dismissal from the school by himself. Of necessity he founded with the help of his friends, a business for agricultural equipment in conjunction with a metal workshop. Thanks to his drive and his business acumen grew and developed his company, Cegielski - Poznań excellent. In addition to his business activities, he published further books, established 1848, the daily newspaper "Gazeta Polska " and 1859 " Dziennik Poznański ", wrote articles for the magazine " Goniec Polski " and devoted himself to political and social tasks. He was a Member of the Prussian Parliament in 1849 and later became a member of the Poznań City Council. He was also co-founder and active supporter of several scientific and economic societies (eg Towarzystwo Pomocy Naukowej, Towarzystwo Przemysłowe, Centralne Towarzystwo Gospodarcze, Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences).

Publications (selection )

  • " O slowie polskim i koniugacjach jego ", 1842
  • " Gramatyka języka greckiego ", 1843
  • " Nauka poezji ", 1845
  • " O języku polskim ...", 1852
  • " Narzędzia i machiny rolnicze ", 1858 ( nonfiction )