HMS Repulse

The British Royal Navy had a total of twelve vessels with the name HMS Repulse Repulse or

  • The first Repulse was a 50 -gun galleon, also known as Due Repulse, been launched in 1595 and performed in the lists until 1645.
  • The second Repulse was a 32- gun frigate, originally the French sailing ship Bellone, 1759 and 1776 captured canceled.
  • The third Repulse was a 10 -gun cutter purchased in 1779 and in the lists until, 1781.
  • The fourth HMS Repulse was a 64-gun ship of the line, left in 1780 from the stack and canceled in 1800.
  • The fifth HMS Repulse was canceled a 12 -gun cutter purchased in 1780 and 1782.
  • The sixth HMS Repulse was a 4 - gun ship purchased in 1794 and which was canceled a year later.
  • The seventh HMS Repulse was a 74 -gun ship of the line, left in 1803 and 1820 from the stack canceled.
  • The eighth HMS Repulse was a provided with a steam engine driven screw frigate of 1855, from 1873 accommodation ship for newly recruited sailors, sold 1899.
  • The ninth HMS Repulse was a steam-powered armored ship, been launched in 1868 and sold in 1889.
  • The tenth HMS Repulse was a steam-powered battleship that was launched from the dock in 1892 and sold in 1911.
  • The eleventh HMS Repulse was a Renown - class battlecruiser, put into service in 1916 and sunk in a Japanese air attack against Malaysia on 10 December 1941.
  • The latest HMS Repulse was a submarine of the Resolution- class, put into service in 1967 and launched in 1997.

Note: HMS - sometimes also written with punctuation as HMS - Is an acronym or abbreviation for His Majesty's Ship ( His Majesty's Ship ), or Her Majesty's Ship ( Her Majesty's ship) and is the official name prefix of all warships of the British Navy.
