Hoh River

Hoh River in the Hoh Rainforest

The Hoh River is a river on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state.

It is named after the tribe of the Hoh.

The origin of the 90 km long river is the Hoh Glacier, a glacier on the east side of Mount Olympus in the Olympic National Park. The Hoh River is fed by numerous source streams. The Hoh River flows westward from the north flows the Hoh Hoh Lake Creek from the south of the Bogachiel Peak, south of the originating from the Blue Glacier of Mount Olympus Glacier Creek. The Hoh River continues flowing through a broad valley in a broad gravel bed through the Hoh Rainforest. From the links coming from the White Glacier of Mount Olympus Mount Tom Creek flows into him at the National Park boundary flows from the south to the springing on the southern slopes of Mount Olympus South Fork Hoh River. From the National Park boundary, the river continues to flow southwestward westward and finally. About 16 kilometers from its mouth it flows through a small, approximately three kilometers long canyon from the almost vertical rock walls until it flows back through its broad river valley and north of the Hoh Indian Reservation in the Pacific opens. The Hoh River Trail, a wilderness path that runs along the river through the Olympic National Park.
