Hoheria populnea

Inflorescences and leaves of Hoheria populnea

Hoheria populnea ( common names are in English: Lacebark and maori: Houhere ) is a species of the genus Hoheria within the family (Malvaceae ). It is native to New Zealand.


Hoheria populnea grows as evergreen, branched shrub or small tree that can reach heights of growth of 11 to 12 meters and trunk diameter of up to 30 cm. Initially carried out a rapid growth. The bark is light brown. The alternate arranged on the branches leaves are long-petiolate. The simple, dark green, glossy leaf blade is at a length of 6 to 10 cm narrow ovate and toothed. A special art form does not exist.

On the natural habitats the flowering period from February to April, ranges, ie in the late summer and fall. Five to ten flowers are borne in inflorescences zymösen. The scented flowers are hermaphrodite radial symmetry and fünfzählig double perianth, with a diameter of 2 to 2.5 cm. The five sepals are fused bell-shaped and end in five triangular calyx teeth. The five free petals are white. There are five, rarely six pen available.

The flower five or rarely six broad winged fruits are formed.


Hoheria populnea is located north of 38 ° south latitude in New Zealand on the North Island. It grows in open forests of the lowlands and open land at altitudes between sea level and up to 460 meters. Preferably, it is growing on good soils and tolerates poor locations.


The first description of Hoheria populnea was made in 1839 by Allan Cunningham in the Annals of Natural History, 3, pp. 319 Some authors Hoheria sinclairii Hook is. f is a synonym of Hoheria populnea A.Cunn ..


From the bark fibers can be obtained, they were used by the Maori and early European settlers for making cords, carrying bags and head bands. The wood is used for furniture production.
